Day Tours from Rome

Pompeii Tours from Rome

Pomepii Tours from Rome by Transfersrome

The Pompeii tours generally start from the Rome-Fiumicino “Leonardo da Vinci” Airport. Here you’ll find your Transfers Rome driver waiting to take you to discover the famous Pompeii archaeological excavations.

During the journey along the highway A3 Salerno – Reggio Calabria there will be two stops in a roadside bar for a coffee break.

From the windows of your private vehicle you’ll be able to admire evocative landscapes offered by the Campania region, a land rich in tradition and history. With our drivers you’ll arrive in Pompei. The city of Roman origin was destroyed by the Vesuvius volcanic eruption in 79 AD. The rain of ash and volcanic material entirely buried it, causing the death of most of its inhabitants. In 1748, when Charles III of Spain was king of Naples, regular archaeological excavations started and went on till the finding of the whole city that remained dormant under a thick blanket of lava.

Why choose our Pompeii Tours from Rome

Quality and safety at your service

During your Pompeii tour from Rome you’ll visit the archaeological area, divided into various districts, bounded by the main roads that once crossed the Roman settlement: the Decumani Maximi, Via di Nola and Via dell’Abbondanza; the Cardo Maximus, Via di Stabia; and many other parallel roads. The city was surrounded by walls with defense towers and city gates. The Porta Marina, one of the best preserved ones, dates back to the 2nd century BC. It was called in this way because it faced toward the sea, directly connecting the hill where Pompeii was built to the plain that extends up to the coast. The gate immediately takes to the city center: the Forum, around which the main public, civil and religious buildings were arranged.

In the background of the piazza, northward, stands the Temple of Jupiter, elevated on a high podium. Those attending the tour of Pompeii will be able to admire some of the Corinthian columns that once belonged to the ancient temple. At the southwest margin of the Forum there are the ruins of the Basilica, that together with the piazza was part of the most lively and animated part of the city. In the middle of its wonderful colonnades, Pompeiian merchants and bankers did their bargaining and trades.

The tour include visits to: the House of the Faun, the biggest and most beautiful house in Pompeii, which takes its name from the Dancing Faun statuette (3rd-2nd century BC) located in the impluvium; the Forum Baths, still finely adorned with decorations in colored stucco that reproduce mythical scenes and plant motifs; the famous House of the Large Fountain, which takes its name from the singular decorative niche, coated with polychrome mosaic tiles, from which flows a fountain adorned with masks and statuettes; the Amphitheater, the Theater, the Odeon and many other interesting spaces where Pompeiians spent their life.

The lava covering allowed the extraordinary conservation of the decorations on the walls, on the pavings, in the house gardens, of the baths and temples of Pompeii. Famous for its vastness and its wall paintings is the Villa of the Mysteries, close to Pompeii’s urban center, out of Porta Ercolano. In the triclinium there’s a large frieze that goes along the walls, representing the marriage between Dionysus and Ariadne, Silenus and two Satyrs and other figures connected to the Dionysian Mysteries. At the Antiquarium you’ll find the whole history of Pompeii documented through the items found during the excavations, decorative works, portraits and impressive plaster casts of the lifeless bodies of the victims of the terrible eruption of 79 AD.

Apart from the visit to the archaeological site, the tour of Pompeii includes an itinerary in today’s Pompei. In the historical center worthy of interest is the  Shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary, designed by the architect Antonio Cuà. Since 1901 Giovanni Rispoli directed the work of the monumental façade culminating with the statue of the Virgin of the Rosary, work of Gaetano Chiaromonte carved from a single block of Carrara marble. The bell tower, which has a bronze door at the entrance, is five stories high and was designed by Aristide and Pio Leonori. The Basilica has a Latin cross plant and three naves; the central one culminates with a dome 57 m. high. The picture of the Virgin of the Rosary with the Child Jesus and Saint Dominic and Saint Catherine of Siena by the sides is kept on the main altar and has a gilded bronze frame surrounded by the fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary painted by Vincenzo Paliotti; this canvas has become an object of veneration in the whole world.

Other destinations during your Tour of Pompeii

The tour will then continue with the visit to the house-museum of Bartolo Longo, which holds prints that describe Vesuvius eruptions from 1621 to 1944, as well as photographs and fragments of minerals and volcanic rocks.

At the end of the Pompeii tours: return trip to Rome or overnight stay in a hotel in Pompei.

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